Reminder that there is open gym for Volleyball tonight @ 5-7 pm. All 4th through 8th grade girls interested in playing are welcome.
If anyone would be interested in purchasing a DVD of the Christmas Program this year, please contact Mr. Cozby at 618-614-0581. They will be $25.
Thanksgiving Break November 27th-29th.
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
Dance practice has been canceled for tonight November 25th. Practice will resume tomorrow November 26th 3-4:30.
Thanksgiving Feast November 22nd.
Job Title: Assistant Volleyball Coach
Deadline for Submission: November 25, 2024
Akin Grade School Board of Education is positing the above-listed opening for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in applying for this position, please send a letter of interest and resume to Akin Grade School, 21962 Akin Blacktop, Akin, Illinois 62890.
Time change for Basketball game on November 19th. 5:30 @ Unity Christian.
Raffle week starts tomorrow!! We have tables set up with items for kids to purchase tickets for! Here are some pics!
PTO Meeting on Monday, November 18th @ 6pm.
Menu Change for lunch tomorrow November 15th.
Cheesy Beefy Rotini
Home Basketball Game on November 14th vs Z/R.
Early Dismissal for November 8th @ 11 am.
No Latchkey
No School on November 11th for Veteran's Day!
Patriot Pen Essay
Jacob Pemberton 1st Place
Harper Wayman 2nd Place
Kyra Huffman 3rd Place
November 7th is Veteran's Program @ 1 pm. All veteran's and community are welcome to attend. Please wear red, white, and blue to support our veterans.
Wear Purple on Wednesday November 6th. It is Homeless Awareness Month.
Reminder No School on November 5th for Election Day!!
November is Homeless Awareness Month!!
If you come today for the Halloween Parade, PLEASE come by office and look through Lost and Found items to see if they belong to your child. We have quite a few things that are unclaimed.
Please DO NOT park in the designated handicap parking spots unless you have a placard.
Thank You
Halloween Parade October 31st @ 1:00 pm in Akin Gymnasium